Yearly Courses
Starts on
Ends on
Leadership for Major Superiors and Team

Topics: Discerning Leadership - Knowing Self: Self Awareness and Inner freedom, Vocation of a Leader, Challenges and Opportunities of a Provincial Team, Discernment in personal and collective decision –making processes, Religious Governance: Personnel planning, Building mission driven teams Effective communication styles, Conflict and Stress management, Conducting Province Assemblies, Chapters, Planning a Roadmap for Starting a New Mission or Handing over Existing Works. Planning, execution and evaluation of various works in a Province, Coping with stress and burn-out, Collaboration at different levels with People of Goodwill, Coping with Crisis.

Contribution: Rs 6,000

Tuesday, 27 August 2024
Saturday, 31 August 2024
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An eight-day Retreat for Major Superiors & Team

An inward journey of desiring God’s will in the context of one’s Congregation. Revisiting one’s Charism and Mission in the light of the Gospel and Signs of the Times. Developing the Marga of Jesus based on Discernment for the Province based on one’s roots and shoots – Charism and Signs of the times.

Contribution: Rs 7,000

Wednesday, 4 September 2024
Wednesday, 11 September 2024
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Renewal Course for Ruby & Golden Jubilarians

An occasion to revisit one’s past, rejuvenate one’s present and reorient one’s future as a Religious by reflecting and assimilating these aspects of Religious Life: Journey through Golden years, Ageing Gracefully, Journey of Self Transformation ending with an 8-day Retreat. 

Contribution: Rs 10,000

Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Monday, 30 September 2024
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RENEWAL PROGRAMME FOR SILVER JUBILARIANS (Open for persons seeking Personal Renewal)

An occasion to revisit one’s past, rejuvenate one’s present and reorient one’s future as a Religious by reflecting and assimilating these aspects of Religious Life: Mid-Life Transition, Journey through Silver years, Spirituality – A faith journey, Discernment in Daily Life, Psycho-Sexual & Spiritual Integration, Intensive Journal ending with an 8-day Retreat. 

Contribution: Rs 22,000

Thursday, 3 October 2024
Thursday, 31 October 2024
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TWO MONTHS SABBATICAL PROGRAMME (Participants – 45 years & above)

A Kairos time to revisit one’s past with gratitude, rejuvenate one’s present with various insights from Spirituality, Psychology and Human Resources so as to reorient one’s future with hope. There will be time for pilgrimage, cultural tour, in-depth sharing, personal accompaniment and integration process.  The schedule will be so arranged that the participants will have plenty of leisure time to rest, relax, refresh themselves, read, reflect, recreate and relate to others in the group.

Topics: Understanding Midlife Transition, Midlife Spirituality, Healthy transition from one apostolate to another, Healthy living and wellbeing, Aging and emotional health, Discernment, Integral Development, Psycho-spiritual Growth, Religious life and Priesthood, Christian Leadership, the programme ends with an eight-day guided retreat.

Contribution: Rs 45,000

Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Sunday, 15 December 2024
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Renewal Course for Formators

Challenges and Opportunities for formation in Digital Age and the era of Artificial Intelligence. Visualizing new pedagogies for Religious formation. Vocation animation, process of Religious formation and discernment. Competency Mapping, Confidence and Self-Esteem, Dealing with disappointment and criticism. Developing spiritual, emotional, and physical intelligence. Dealing with the questions of intimacy, loneliness, celibacy.  Dealing with anger, grief, and self-esteem. Receiving and giving feedback, coping with conflict situation and stress.

Contribution: Rs 10,500

Monday, 25 November 2024
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
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TWO MONTHS COURSE IN PREPARATION FOR FINAL PROFESSION (With weekend integration and personal accompaniment)

Topics: Religious Life, Covenant Spirituality, Psycho-Sexual & Spiritual Integration, Healing the Inner Child, Discernment in Daily Life, Basic skills of Counselling & Spiritual Direction, Spirituality of Social Justice, Creative & Critical use of Mass Media, Legal Knowledge and Life Skills. The course ends with an Inward Journey retreat. During the course the group will have group processing and personal integration.

Contribution: Rs 35,000


03 – 04 January: Orientation to Final Profession – Prerana Team

06 – 08 January: Psycho-sexual Integration – Fr William Sequeira SJ

09 – 11 January: Psycho-spiritual Integration – Fr Joe Mathias SJ

13 – 17 January A New Way of Being Religious – Fr Prashanth D’Souza SJ

20 – 24 January: Discernment in Daily Life: - Fr Prashanth D’Souza SJ

27 – 29 January: Counselling & Spiritual Direction: Fr Joe Mathias SJ

30 – 31 January: Critical & Creative use of Digital Media – Fr William Marcel Rodrigues SJ

03 – 07 February: Covenant Spirituality – Fr James Dabhis SJ

10 – 16 February: Healing the Inner Child – Fr Wilson Sundar OFM Cap

17 – 19 February: Spirituality of Social Justice – Fr Cyprian Tellis SJ

20 – 22 February: Life Skills – Fr Brian Pereira SJ

24 February – 01 March: Inward Journey Retreat – Fr Arockiasamy SJ

03 – 04 March: Legal Knowledge – Fr Jerald D’Souza SJ

Thursday, 2 January 2025
Friday, 7 March 2025
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Step by step process and skills in Counselling & Spiritual Direction, Frequent issues that occur in Counselling and Spiritual Direction, Similarities and differences between Counselling and Spiritual Direction, Transference and Counter transference, Resistance, Vocation Animation and Discernment, Growth in Prayer, Basic techniques and therapies to deal with self-esteem, anger, fear, guilt, grief and loss.

Contribution: Rs 8,000

Thursday, 16 January 2025
Saturday, 25 January 2025
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PERSONAL GROWTH & RENEWAL (Open to Silver/Ruby Jubilarians)

An occasion to revisit one’s past, rejuvenate one’s present and reorient one’s future as a Religious by reflecting and assimilating these aspects of Religious Life: Mid-Life Transition, Healthy living and emotional wellbeing, Spirituality – A faith journey, Discernment in Daily Life, Psycho-Sexual & Spiritual Integration, and an 8-day Retreat. 

Contribution: Rs 15,000

Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Sunday, 30 March 2025
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RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP – Superiors and Animators

Topics: Discerning Leadership - Knowing Self: Self Awareness and Inner freedom, Vocation of a Leader, Challenges & opportunities, Role & Characteristics of a Religious Leader, Discernment in personal and collective decision–making processes, Religious Governance: Building mission driven communities, Effective communication styles, Conflict and stress management, Our Way of proceeding in community meetings and decision-making bodies, Planning a roadmap for one’s Leadership. Coping with stress and Burn-out. Collaboration at different levels with people of goodwill. Coping with crisis.

Contribution: Rs 9,000

Tuesday, 1 April 2025
Friday, 11 April 2025
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COURSE ON RETREAT DIRECTION (For those who are in or will go into retreat ministry)

This course facilitates the growth in the art of Retreat Direction, It will elaborately deal with Faith Journey, Spirituality, Introduction to and Dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises, Discernment of Spirits, Counselling, Spiritual Direction, Skills Training, 8 – day Ignatian Retreat, Supervised Retreat Direction, Preparation and Presentation of Retreat themes.

Contribution: Rs 22,000

Thursday, 24 April 2025
Friday, 23 May 2025
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